Sunday Masses for the home bound in the Archdiocese of St. Louis include the following:
- WRBU (Channel 46) Effective December 22nd
-Sunday Mass at 7:30 am - Fox (digital channel only Charter: 88 antenna: 2.2)
-Sunday Mass at 9:00 am - EWTN
-Sunday Mass 7:00 am (live) or 11:00 am (encore) - Ste. Genevieve Community Access Television (channels 7 & 28)
-Sunday Mass 11:00 am
- Covenant Network (WRYT AM 1080 / KHOJ AM 1460)
-Sunday Mass at 10:00 am, live from the Cathedral Basilica - Ste. Genevieve (KSGM 980 AM)
-Sunday Mass 8:30 am
- All online Sunday masses will be available on