Volunteer Cook for Bingo We have heard from so many people eager to start our parish Bingo again! Volunteers have expressed their willingness to get started again as well, but we are in need of a cook. One of the things that make our Bingo successful is preparing delicious food for our patrons. If you would be interested in helping in this way please contact the parish office.
RURAL PARISH MOBILE DENTAL CLINIC Immaculate Conception Parish in Union will host the Rural Parish Mobile Dental Clinic May 5-14, 2022. Dental services are available at NO COST for income-qualifying adults without insurance. Dental care is open to patients of all faiths. Please call for eligibility and appointments. Dental clinic 314-225-4034 or Email: [email protected]
Parish Musician Wanted St. Clare Catholic Church (St. Clair, MO) is seeking a weekend Organist; or Pianist open to learning organ technique. Masses are 4:30pm on Saturday and 8:00am and 10:30am on Sunday with the 10:30am Mass being the priority for musical accompaniment. Musician to be paid per Mass based on education and experience. Opportunities to play for Funerals, Weddings, Holy Days, etc. If interested please contact the Parish Office at: 636-629-0315 or [email protected].
Don’t forget to share your feedback on the Disciple Maker Index! The Survey is LIVE and will be open until April 45h . You can visit https://portal.catholicleaders.org/d/yk5c5y . You can also click on the "All Things New Link" on this website and it will directly take you to the survey. If you prefer a paper copy, please contact Rose in the parish office. To submit the completed paper survey, please bring it to the parish office. To make special arrangements for getting a paper copy, please contact Rose at 636-629-0315 We really need your help in making this a success, so please participate!
Fridays of lent (Feb. 18th thru April 8th) 4pm to 7pm. KofC Hall, St. Clair, MO. CARRY OUT ONLY--We will be practicing social distancing and wearing masks. ALL DINNERS...$13 includes deep fried catfish, cod & chicken, green beans, dessert and additional weekly items.
Friday, December 24th @ 4:30pm -- Saturday, December 25th @ 9:00am NO 4:30 MASS OR CONFESSIONS ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25TH. NO MASS ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 27TH.
St. Clare Catholic Church is planning it's annual picnic for Satruday, August 21, 2021. Please call the parish office at 636-629-0315 if you would like to volunteer, or sign up on the sheet in the back of church.
Jefferson Franklin Community Action Organization is putting together a small community garden to benefit the St. Clare Catholic Services food pantry. It will be located on the church grounds. They are looking for volunteers to manage the raised bed garden (an hour a night a couple times a week) to pull any weeds and check on the condition of the plants. It would be a very minor labor with a great reward. This would be a great project for scout groups, children, etc to learn about plants and the value of helping others. Please call 636-486-8081 to sign up for any evening.